オーダーまくら寝生活工房 やまぜん
Order Made Pillow YAMAZEN
at Owariasahi-city (East of Nagoya-city)
Order-made-pillow, Custom-made pillow in Owariasahi (near Nagoya)
トップページ オーダー枕 オーダー敷きふとん 快適な眠りについて 腰痛の方に 当店について access English

Looking for more comfortable sleep?
You spend one third of your live sleeping. You'll need a good mattress and a good pillow.
Do you have problems when you wake up in the morning such as shoulderache, backache, or headeache? It may be caused by the pillow and the mattress you use now.
 We make Order-made Pillows and Order-made Mattresses. The Order-made pillows & mattresses fit your body perfectly! Come and try them out! You will feel the difference between our order-made pillows and generic pillows on the market.
Pillows: Reduce the load on your neck. If your pillow is too high or too low for you, it creates stress and hurts your neck. When you wake up in the morning you are tired or still want to sleep because the stress and pain disturb your deep sleep.

Mattresses: Support your spine when you lay down. If your mattress is too soft or too hard, it causes your backbone to curve the wrong way, making your body hurt in the morning. During sleep we move (roll) around to straighten our spine and to reduce pressure on the same spots of our bodies.
Do you have lumbago (backache)? If you sleep only on your side or with your knees always bent while facing up on the bed, you may need to correct your mattress because it doesn't support the arch of your waist and back when you sleep. We make order-made mattresses and we can advise you on finding a better mattress depending on your needs.

How to make an Order-Made Pillow(about 40min〜60min)

Counceling about Sleep,headahe,backahe,hurting neck, snoring,and etc. Measuring your standing figure(sideways) Measuring your standing figure(back)
Step 1
Counceling about Sleeping
Step 2
Measuring your standing figure.(sideways)
Step 3
Measuring your standing figure(back)
Asking about your height and weight, and the bedding and pillow you are currently using. Asking if you have any problems that disturb your sleep such as backache, shoulderache, headache, etc. Choose the most comfortable firmness of pillow (from 5 kinds of material). Giving advice on getting more comfortable sleep. Stand by the measuring instrument. Lightly place your right hand on your left shoulder. We measure the distance from your shoulder to your neck and the side of your head.(This measuring shows how high your pillow should be when you lay on your side.)  Stand straight naturally. (This is the posture you also have when you lay down on a bed.) The measuring instrument (a roller) rolls from your head down your back. Now we know the line of your backside.
Making Order-made Pillow, Custom made pillow Try and adjustiment height Your customized pillow is done
Step 4
Making Order-made Pillow
Step 5
Try and adjustment
Step 6
It's done!
The data from the measuring tells how high your pillow should be for you. Now we put the material you chose into pillow. Try the customized pillow on our bed and check how you feel. If you feel it is a little high or low, let us know and we will adjust the height until you are comfortable. We can adjust even 5mm(0.2inch) difference. Your customized pillow is done. You can now take it home. when you sleep on your own bed, and if you feel the pillow is umcomfortable, bring it back and we can adjust anytime(for 10 years) for free.
10years Free adjusting support
after you bought Ordermade pillow at our shop, when you go home and sleep on your own bed and if you feel pillow is high or low, we will adjust the height anytime for 10 years anytime. It's free to addjust for 10 years.
If you are not comfortable speaking Japanese, please let us know before you come and we will arrange for staff to be available who can speak English with you! If you are uncomfortable speaking Japanese, making an appointment by E-mail may be better than by phone as the usual staff speak Japanese only.

address:1-10 Higashihonjigahara-cho, Owariasahi-city, Aichi←Click this, to see our mapsite
Owariasahi-city is near from Nagoya-city, Nagakute-cho, Seto-city, Kasugai, Tajimi, Nissin. Driving about less than an 1 hour.

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From Nagoya-city
(Moriyama,Higasi,Kita wards)
Take R363(Seko-sen) East from 「Hikiyama」 Intersection → Turn Right at 「Haruoka」 Intersection and YAMAZEN is on your left  It takes about 10 mins from 「Hikiyama」
From Nagoya city
(Neitoh, Midori, Minami, Showa, Tenpaku wards)
Take R302 North and Turn left on KamiyashiroJCT SE → Go East on R60(Sanage-Greenroad) → Turn Left at Irigaike Intersection → Go North → YAMAZEN is just past Shinike-koryukan Intersection on your right    
It takes about 15 mins from KamiyashiroJCT SE
From Owariasahi city hall Go South on the road on the east side of Owariasahi-city gym → Go straight until Haruoka Intersection. YAMAZEN is on your left just past Haruoka Intersection. It takes about 7 mins from the Owariasahi city hall.
From Nagakute, Nissin On R60(Sanage-Greenroad) go North from Irigaike Intersection → YAMAZEN is just past Shinike-koryukan Intersection on your right  It takes about 15 mins from Irigaike.
From Seto city hall

Take R363 SW (Nagoya bound). Go straight until Haruoka Intersection. YAMAZEN is on your left just past Haruoka Intersection. It takes about 20 mins from Seto city hall.

From Komaki-city or Inuyama-city
From Higashimeihan HW
From Higashimeihan Kiyosuhigashi IC → Exit on to Omori IC and drive South along R302 → Take R363(Seko-sen) East from Hikiyama Intersection → Turn Right at Haruoka Intersection and YAMAZEN is on your left  It takes about 20 mins from Kiyosuhigashi IC. 
From Tomei HW Exit on to Nagoya IC and drive toward Nagakute → On R60(Sanage-Greenroad) go North from Irigaike Intersection → YAMAZEN is just past Shinike-koryukan Intersection on your right  It takes about 10 mins from Nagoya IC
From Meitetsu Bus terminal
Bound to SetoStation Get off the“Nagakute High School” → about 2 mins on foot
Owariasahi City Bus(あさぴー号) East Route&West Route “Haruoka” → infront of bus stop
From Aichi Medical Univ. 藤ヶ丘行 “晴丘”バス停道路の向側
Nagoya Subway Higashiyama LIne “Fujigaoka” → about 10 mins by car or taxi
Meitetsu Seto Line
(from Sakaemachi)
Bound to Shin Seto・Owari Seto → Get off the “OwariAsahi”station → about 7mins by car or taxi
Meitetsu Seto Line
(from Owari Seto)
Bound to Kitayama・Ozone・Sakaemachi → Get off the “OwariAsahi”station → about 7mins by car or taxi
About Order-made pillow Q&A
Q. Can I wash it?
A.  Yes, you can. Take the base (Urethane) and wash by hand with material inside. Air dry away from direct sunlight.
Q. How much does it cost?
A.  Order-made pillows cost ¥21,000(w/tax).
50cm×70cm pillow cases (specially sized cases for the customized pillows) cost¥2,940〜
※The standardized pillow case size is 45cm×65cm. It's a bit small, and it will change the height of the pillow we make for you if you use the standardized size. We recommend that you use the bigger pillow case size to ensure the pillow will work effectively.
Q. How long can I expect the pillow to last?
A.  About 3〜5 years. We also sell changeable parts in the event that you need to change anything.



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